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Family Fishing

Family Connection

In our fast paced world it is often difficult to make time for the simple little things in life. The cost of living, the many activities, events, and schedules to arrange; it all takes a toll on how much time we have for one another; for our family. Time is a gift that waits for no one. It comes and goes, and I don't know if it is me or not, but it sure seems that it is going at a quicker rate. Perhaps it is as I age and work through parenthood I notice it more.  Adding technology and the various stimulating entities that exist to capture our attention, it is no wonder we are finding ourselves short of time, overwhelmed, overworked, overscheduled, and burnt out. We can have our office in the palm of our hand. It comes home with us. Our appointment makers, our communication, our entertainment, and our social life is easy to get lost in. All that's required is to click a button and scroll. How are we to model and teach a balance when it is challenging to find one ourselves? Making the time for connection with each family member both individually or as an entire family unit is essential in building the foundation for mutual respect, understanding, compassion, and growth. I would love to listen and help guide you in discovering how a relationship can grow and work through challenges. I can mediate and help you find balance in your life. Book a life-couching counselling or family session and let's discover it together.

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